Scientific journals

Manni M, Nocente A & Lobaccaro G: Performance variability of solar irradiance model chains applied to building-integrated photovoltaic systems at high latitudes. Solar Energy 2024, Vol 282, 112924;, ISSN 0038-092X (Published online 24 September 2024)

Rossebø KB & Kvande T: Water Vapour Resistance of Exterior Coatings—Influence on Moisture Conditions in Ventilated Wooden Claddings. Buildings 2024, Vol 14(7), 2202;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 17 July 2024)

Brozovsky J, Oksavik O & Rüther P: Temperature measurements in the air gap of highly insulated wood-frame walls in a Zero Emission Building. In H. Johra (Ed.), NSB 2023 - Book of Technical Papers: 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (2023). Vol. 13, Article no 212, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, Denmark;

Brozovsky J, Nocente A & Rüther P: In-use conditions of air-tightening materials applied in the air gap of ventilated building envelope constructions: A parametric study for different European climates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2023; Vol 2654, Article no 012108. 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB-2023) 12–14 June 2023 Aalborg, Denmark;

Time B, Andenæs T, Karlsen T, Geving S & Kvande T: Moisture safety strategy for construction of CLT structures in a coastal Nordic climate. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2023; Vol 2654, Article no 012041. 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB-2023) 12–14 June 2023 Aalborg, Denmark;

Svenning L, Moschetti R, Kvande T, Gullbrekken L & Time B: Airtightness development in large timber buildings: Case study of a zero-emission building in Norway. AIP Conference Proceedings, 9 November 2023; 2918 (1): 020061. 5th Central European Symposium on Building Physics 2022 (CESBP 2022) 5–7 September 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia;

Loli A, Skaar C, Bergsdal H & Reenaas M: Comparing embodied GHG emissions between environmental product declaration and generic data models: Case of the ZEB laboratory in Trondheim, Norway. Building and Environment 2023, Vol 242, 110583; ISSN 0360-1323, (Published online 4 July 2023)

Manni M, Nocente A, Kong G, Skeie K, Fan H & Lobaccaro G: Solar energy digitalization at high latitudes: A model chain combining solar irradiation models, a LiDAR scanner, and high-detail 3D building model. Frontiers in Energy Research 2022, Vol 10; ISSN=2296-598X, (Published online 22 December 2022)

Ingebretsen SB, Andenæs E, Gullbrekken L, Kvande T: Microclimate and Mould Growth Potential of Air Cavities in Ventilated Wooden Façade and Roof Systems—Case Studies from Norway. Buildings 2022, Vol 12(10), 1739; ISSN 2075-5309, (Published online 19 October 2022)

Cureau RJ, Pigliautile I, Pisello AL, Bavaresco M, Berger C, Chinazzo G, Deme Belafi Zs, Ghahramani A, Heydarian A, Kastner D, Kong M, Licina D, Luna-Navarro A, Mahdavi A, Nocente A, Schweiker M, Vellei M & Wang A: Bridging the gap from test rooms to field-tests for human indoor comfort studies: A critical review of the sustainability potential of living laboratories. Energy Research & Social Science 2022, Volume 92, 102778; ISSN 2214-6296, (Published online 30 August 2022)

Moschetti R, Homaei S, Taveres-Cachat E & Grynning S: Assessing Responsive Building Envelope Designs through Robustness-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Zero-Emission Buildings. Energies 2022, Vol. 15(4), 1314; ISSN 1996-1073, (Published online 11 February 2022)

Nocente A, Time B, Mathisen HM, Kvande T & Gustavsen A: The ZEB Laboratory: the development of a research tool for future climate adapted zero emission buildings. 8th International Building Physics Conference. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2021, Vol 2069, Article no. 012109

Bunkholt NS, Gullbrekken L, Time B & Kvande T: Pitched unventilated wood frame roof with smart vapour barrier – field measurements. 8th International Building Physics Conference. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2021, Vol 2069, Article no. 012007

Sevault A & Næss E: Active latent heat storage using biowax in a central heating system of a ZEB living lab; Proc. of the 14th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conf. on Natural Refrigerants - GL2020. Internat. Inst. of Refrig. 2020 ISBN 978-2-36215-040-1. s.493-498, (Published online 7 December 2020)

Sevault A, Vullum-Bruer F & Lehn Tranås O: Active PCM-Based Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2020, ISBN 9780124095489,

Engebø A, Klagegg OJ, Lohne J, Bohne RA, Fyhn H & Lædre O: High-performance building projects: how to build trust in the team. Architectural Engineering and Design Management., Published online 25 August 2020

Time B, Nocente A, Mathisen HM, Førland-Larsen A, Myhr AR, Jacobsen T & Gustavsen A: Research possibilities in the Norwegian ZEB Laboratory. REHVA European HVAC Journal, ISSN 1307-3729, Volume 56 2019

Time B, Engebø A, Christensen M, Dalby O & Kvande T: The design process for achievement of an office living laboratory with a ZEB standard. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 352, 1st Nordic conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings. Trondheim, Norway, 6-7 November 2019

Sevault S, Bøhmer F, Næss E & Wang L: Latent heat storage for centralized heating system in a ZEB living laboratory: integration and design. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 352, 1st Nordic conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings. Trondheim, Norway, 6-7 November 2019